Put Some Polish Into Your Garage Floor

A growing number of New Zealand homes and businesses now feature polished concrete floors. When you see how stunning they look, you’ll understand why they’re now so popular. We firmly believe that polished concrete would also be a wonderful surface to choose for your garage floor – not just for aesthetic reasons but for very practical ones as well. 

A lot of it comes down to the “grind and polish” system we now use. This is the new and improved concrete flooring system and it is a perfect match for garage floors. For a start, after the grinding process, the concrete is hardened with a densifier. This reacts with the cement, and hardens and increases the surface strength of the concrete. The densified surface is then “Honed” or “Polished” to achieve the desired sheen or gloss level and then it is sealed to protect it from stains and migration of water into the surface of the concrete. 

When you see what occurs during the “grind and polish” process, you’ll also appreciate why polished concrete would be so much better as a garage floor than conventional porous concrete. As the name suggests, porous concrete is full of microscopic holes so it absorbs oil, chemicals and other contaminants which badly stain the surface. On the other hand, because our polished concrete is sealed, liquids can’t penetrate the surface and it is low maintenance and very easy to clean as a result.

The densifier we add to the concrete also provides for a significantly stronger surface than “untreated” concrete  – or any other flooring surface for that matter. This makes your garage floor much more durable and less prone to cracking and other damage over the long term.

Polished concrete floors look so much better too. For many of our customers who have large garages in which they park their prestige cars, this is extremely important. They want to show off their prized vehicles at their very best, and they see their garage as something of a showroom. For this reason, they choose polished concrete for its striking, high-shine qualities. It’s all part of the show they like to put on for their friends and family!

For practical and decorative reasons, we see polished concrete floors as the perfect fit in every home, business….and garage. If you’d like to discuss the long list of benefits that polished concrete brings to every setting, contact us today.  

To get the best out of your floor call before you pour!
0800 448 433